Wednesday, September 28, 2011

5 Simple Ways to Skyrocket Your Lead Conversions

by Abe Cherian

If there’s one problem with all the technology available today, it’s this:

On one hand, you can save a ton of time and energy. However, most people naturally move toward whatever is most convenient for them. That means if there is a pre-made solution, most will jump on that to get things done quicker.

The result?

An entire army of cookie-cutter marketing campaigns, all which look the same as the next. One of the first rules of effective marketing, is to stand out from your competition…

Take autoresponder messages, for example…

The off-the-shelf messages provided by most businesses and product owners are quickly losing their effect. They’re boring. They’re impersonal. And worst of all, they’re predictable!

Want to avoid looking like everyone else? Here’s 5 quick fixes for your next campaign…

Custom Email Templates

If you’re using HTML for your emails, you have the ability to format your messages in a unique way. Adding your logo or even a personal letterhead with your picture can dramatically improve your results.

People love to see who they’re doing business with. Showing who you are is an indirect, but incredibly powerful way to increase trust and rapport with your readers.

Collect Phone Numbers

Sad, but true…most people don’t really seem to think about using a phone, anymore. Sure, it’s not totally abandoned. However, most business communication has been replaced by email, Skype and social media…

Even customer support is starting to spill over into platforms, such as Twitter!

If you can somehow tie your offer in with a free consultation, you will be able to get valid phone numbers from your customers. Following up with leads, allowing them to hear you, is almost always guaranteed to boost your conversions.

Again, it’s all about building trust and showing you care by taking the time to really interact one-on-one.

Collect Mailing Addresses

For similar reasons to collecting phone numbers, is the collection of mailing addresses.

By nature, many people feel important when they have exclusive access to something not everyone else does…

One way to add an incentive for customers to give you their mailing address, is to create a loyalty program. This is nothing more than a way to get special offers sent right to their address, that only “insiders” are given.

This appeals to two powerful trigger emotions: exclusivity and saving money.

Facebook Apps

Aside from a great way to stay in touch with friends and family, Facebook is a literal goldmine of information for business owners.

Millions of people have willingly laid out all of their hobbies, interests and personal contact information in their profiles. And with new plugins available, you can now (legally and ethically) use this information.

This is simply done by creating an offer and then allowing them to get access by giving your app permission to keep in touch.

Even better, is the fact that they don’t have to enter any information (like traditional web forms). Instead, they are instantly connected in a couple of clicks.

It’s also important to note that since you’re getting their Facebook e-mail, it’s likely a real email that is used on a regular basis.

Offer Free Consultation

We’ve covered this one a bit already…

There are a few main benefits to offering a free consultation:

  • - It provides great value to your customers and prospects…
  • - It allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise…
  • - You are able to tailor-fit your services to their specific needs…
  • - Plus, as mentioned before, it’s a great way for them to hear you and bond with you…

People are pretty skeptical these days, so being able to hear you can sometimes be an easy way to build trust.

Depending on your current marketing campaigns, most of these ideas can be implemented for free or at very little cost.

Bookmark this page as a reference for your next campaign and see how powerful using these ideas can be for your business!

Here are a few additional resources for you:

Autoresponder with custom templates:

Direct Mail Source:

Facebook Lead Gen Tool:


About the Author: Abe Cherian is an Internet Entrepreneur since 1999. As the founder of, a pay-per-click advertising network, and the CEO of Multiple Stream Media, an online Advertising and Marketing firm, Abe and his team has helped tens of thousands of online advertisers reach ‘the right market’ at ‘the right time’, with the ‘right message’. To start advertising and driving traffic click here to open your free account:


Saturday, September 24, 2011

The 7 Dream Killers That Can Kill Your Online Business

To become a successful business proprietor, you must be aware that there are certain people and certain elements in your life and around you that have the tendency and potential to reduce your desire to be all you can be in the business world. These factors, if not properly monitored, and dealt with, can turn into dream killers.

Dream Killer #1: Your Family
Some of us are unfortunate to be born into a family where people just shoot down your brilliant ideas and dreams. There are countless stories of people who buried their visions because the family members, who should have been very supportive, only scoffed and ridiculed at their visions to make a difference.
To make it as a business person you must begin to identify members of your family and relatives who deflate your desire and dreams. Is it your father? Is it your mother? Is it your spouse? Who among your family is always quick to let you know you could not do something? Be alert for the dream killers in your household!

Dream Killer #2: Your Friends And Close Associates
Sometimes, your close friends and acquaintances could be potential dream killers if you do not show proper discernment and manage them right. Sometimes, you may have to take a stand and ignore your friends when you have a clear vision for your business.
The kind of friends and company you keep are very important in realizing your dreams. Psychologists have for long maintained that we tend to perform at about the same level of people who are around or close to us.

Dream Killer #3: Your Present Boss And Those In Authority Over You
Many visions of business have been prevented from seeing the light of day because of the jealousy and evil machinations of the people in authority over the dreamer. Most humans by nature feel threatened when those under them can see something they are not seeing.
The worst in humans come to the surface once somebody with the potential to take over their crown shows up.  Most employers feel threatened when an employee starts showing signs of setting up for himself. Those in positions of dominance often try all they can to suppress and destroy the upstart. This is a fact that you can neglect to your eternal regret.
While it is honorable to leave your present employment properly, be wise as to know when to confide your vision of the new enterprise to your boss or those who in authority over you. Be particularly wary of those who may lose their hold or control over your talents. Do not be naïve.  Nobody likes a challenge to their dominance and no employer likes to lose a good employee. No Leader likes to lose his most productive lieutenant. Many have trouble dealing with the fact that there former subordinate now desires to be on equal footing with them.
At first your employer, boss or overseer will dangle tempting carrots before you to keep you under the yoke of the wage system. They will often give you concessions or offer you pay increases or other perks to keep the status quo. Once that fails, almost invariably, the previously ‘sweet’ boss will bring out the stick. Once you announce your intention to start out on your own, do not count on the goodwill of your superior continuing.

Dream Killer #4: Your Fears.
Do not underrate yourself as your own most dangerous dream killer. Too often, dreams of enterprise have died because the dreamer allowed himself to succumb to the dreaded elements of fear, failure, frustration and fatigue.

Dream Killer #5: Your Failures
Your experience with failure is also another potential personal dream killer. There are no spectacular winners who have not lost been spectacular losers at some point in their careers. The difference between the ones whose dream died and the ones who made it big in the business world is their approach to failure. When you allow yourself to be overwhelmed by failure in your quest to be a Kingdompreneur, your dream may get killed without any help from satan.
Failure is never final until you choose to accept it as final.  It is inevitable that you will experience some failure and some disappointments as you make your transition. You must be careful not to allow your little failures to kill the big dream.

Dream Killer #6: Your Frustrations
As you move on, some things may not move at the pace you expect it to. The sources of finance and marketing prospects you were promised before you stepped out may be slow in coming in. The profits or breakthroughs may not follow your carefully prepared and tested business plan. Frustration will rear its ugly head at some point. Frustration is part of the business world. Do not allow it to kill your dream. You must be optimistic that God will come through for you and make a way where there is not way.
Even when things look bleak, do not allow the spirit of frustration to win. When it looks like it will take forever for the breakthrough to come, hang in there and keep hope alive. Our ability to hope for the best when things look bleak is what separates us from the pack.

Dream Killer #7: Your Fatigue
Fatigue has played its fair share in destroying dreams of many would-be entrepreneurs. Sometimes we just get too tired to sustain our desire or be creative. As humans, we sometimes just get tired and give up on the dream.  You must be vigilant. You are at your weakest mental and spiritual point when you are physically tired. Do not let fatigue kill your dream at a low point in your life or business.
Be sure to watch against burn-out. Do not overlook or neglect the benefits of exercise and relaxation. Sometimes we get too caught up in working so hard to make things happen that we allow ourselves to get fatigued to the point where the devil can get an in-road into our minds to kill the dream.
You must be careful not to make a major decision when you are tired or fatigued. Do not resign or pack it in during a moment of burn-out. Never decide to quit when you are tired. Anytime you are tempted to bury the dream, learn to Step away from it all for a while and consider your options and the implications of your decisions before you commit to them. Sometimes it is amazing how much better things can look after a good night’s rest. Watch out for the dream killed named fatigue!

To Your Success!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Facebook to add a "Want" button to aid social shopping

You've probably noticed all the changes to Facebook lately!  And from what I hear, they are not done yet.  

Facebook users will soon have a way to alert their friends when they see a product they covet for sale via the social site. The new "Want" button will offer Facebook and retailers greater insight into customers' desires and help them target ads to users, according to this analysis at InternetRETAILER

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Is it Feast or Famine?

I received this message from one of the advertising companies that I use to promote my company and I really felt that it is worth sharing.

 "You probably know this... but I want to remind you of the 'indisputable facts' about online business, and why some marketers are constantly in the 'feast or famine' mode all the time...

 (One month you are riding the wave of profits, and the next month there is no wind and you are drowning.) Here are some 'indisputable facts' that you need to know when it comes to making money online.

 Ready?...Here we go....

  1. If you reach the 'right market', with the 'right message', at the 'right time' -- you will make money. 
  2. If you promote your personal brand or advertisement consistently and frequently -- you will gain valuable 'trust' and consequently make more sales. 
  3. Marketers who focus on 'testing' and 'improving' their lead generation tactics will eventually succeed and grow. 

Isn't that what we've been saying all along? Some people give up on what they believed in to jump to the next company before giving it a chance to work. If they continue that trend, they will never win. Don't let that happen to you!  Stick with what you know in your heart is the right company for you... If you love it, then show that to the world!  

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rent-A-List Targeted List Advertising Review

If you've been searching for information on reaching large targeted audiences and making more sales from your website, then you've probably come across Targeted List Advertising. And, if you are like me then you probably wondered what the story is behind this popular advertising site.

Well, here's the truth: This list is the real deal.

Listen, I'll be the first to admit that I was hesitant when I first decided to join "" But after I started advertising my website on this list, I was literally blown away by the effectiveness of it.

The first thing I noticed as soon as I gained access to their member's area was that it was easy to navigate and laid out well -- affordable advertising deals, real-time tracking...and so on. I know that this sounds like an overwhelming amount of information, but one of my favorite things about this website -- which you'll discover right away -- is that it extremely targeted, very effective, can run multiple campaigns, track and reporting, and very affordable.

Here are some of the major advantages...

1. Precision Targeting Options - Clone Your Best Customers

You'll be able to reach the exact demographics, economic and behavioral  target market and create your own mix of targets in a snap. You can either choose 1. Standard Targeting. 2. Consumer Targeting. or 3. B2B Targeting.

2. Advertising Reach - Know Exactly How Many Prospects Are Interested

Pull real time subscriber count from our databases and decide how many prospects you want to reach.

3. Advanced Tracking - Important Data At Your Fingertips

Allows you to run multiple campaigns in multiple channels and track everything in one area. Number of channels, number of campaigns, Impressions, clicks, total cost, average cost per clicks and more.

4. Multiple Channels & Competitive Pricing - Drive Down Your Advertising Costs Dramatically

Drive down your advertising costs by using multiple channels to reach your audience.

5.  - Use Bulk Order Campaigns For Future Promotion

Purchase in bulk and save 30-40-50% during our monthly sale period. The best part is that you can start your campaigns at any time, when you are ready.

And the best part is that you will see responses as soon as you start advertising with Rent-A-List.

But what impresses me most about this company is that -- every package comes with an iron-clad guarantee. You can be sure to hear from them with a 'complete stats report' of your previous campaign.

"" is considered by many marketers as the most effective marketing site, since it reaches mass targeted audience. Thousands of marketers use it on a daily basis and swear that it is The best advertising site out there. I give this service my absolute highest recommendation.

"Increase revenue from your website with targeted e-mail marketing solutions, guaranteed performance based advertising, accurate real-time campaign tracking, and more...with minimal cost to you!" 

Start gaining new customers in less than 15 minutes. Click here for more information

Monday, September 5, 2011

Cost of Weight Loss (Bariatric) Surgery
Reviewed by Neil Hutcher, MD
Weight loss surgery is both complex and costly. For example, the average cost for the gastric bypass procedure ranges from $18,000 to $35,000, while the average cost for adjustable gastric banding withLap-Band ranges from $17,000 to $30,000.
The average obese person is spending $540 each month on health issues related to the disease.  Taking 10 years off their lives!

How about a great alternative called Skinny Fiber?

Skinny Fiber costs only $59.95 a bottle and will help in the fight against obesity and other complications related to this dreadful, ugly disease.  
Give Skinny Fiber 30 days to help you lose weight or return it and get your money back.

But if it does work for you, You'll save money, improve your health and energy. 
Others report an increase in stamina, lower cholesterol levels, improved blood pressure (your results my vary).