Thursday, October 27, 2011

I wanted to share this information with you regarding the success we are having with Skinny Body Care. 

In just 10 months there are
- 2 people who are already on the $30,000.00 month
- 100+ people that are on $9,000.00 per month
- 700+ people in the $3,000.00 per month
- 3800 people at $ 1,000.00
- and over 7000 people who are making from $100 to $890 per month. 
I was so excited to see that people were making money just from sharing a 5 minute video. Now that is called taking your financial destiny in your own hands. 
Check out the movie now, this is far simpler than PTC and pays way better!!! 

Welcome aboard to all of our new Distributors who have joined this past week.  October has been an absolutely HUGE month.  Momentum is through the roof, Skinny Fiber is getting HUGE attention, and distributors are making MORE money each and every week.
Skinny Body Care came into October as the FASTEST GROWING COMPANY in the industry, and after just one month, we have widened that gap even MORE.  There is not a company on the planet that has the highest quality products that we have coupled with the most lucrative compensation program in the industry, not to mention the most powerful tools and system available anywhere.
And keep in mind team, As more and more people around the world experience the incredible results of our awesome products and recognize the huge opportunity that our company creates, Skinny Body Care  is on its way to becoming one of the most successful companies in the industry.

Remember, this has all been done just in just less than one year since our official launch on January 20, 2011.  The future is VERY bright and prosperous with
Skinny Body Care, and we are excited to have you on board as we grow our company and YOUR income to levels unimaginable in most companies.  
Get ready for the EXPLOSION!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


 The most powerful online business is taking the internet by storm.

The original creator of the online powerline system has merged his systems with the most lucrative compensation plan in the industry.

This SYSTEM is so powerful we let you test it absolutely free.

Simply watch our 4 minute movie, Take a free tour by filling out your information, and sit back and watch what happens.

We even GUARANTEE everyone a check.

I am looking for a few key people looking for a home business. Once you take the free tour you will have direct access to myself and the entire team so take the free tour.

Click Here to visit the Website!