Sunday, May 8, 2011

Use Article marketing to help increase your traffic

Everyone tells you how important it is to write an article and submit it.  Great you say, so what kind of article and where do I submit it?  I've had those very same questions and struggled with them for quite some time.  So I want to give you some tips because as you know, Article marketing can be very effective and more importantly, it's free

Things to keep in mind to have successful article marketing:
  1. Keywords - your article topic
  2. Headline
  3. Content
  4. Signature
Start by choosing a keyword and then finding a good list of keywords to use for writing your articles and use as many as apply.  Use a keyword tool such as Google Keyword Tool  to help build your list.  Use one of the keywords in your article title (headline) and a couple of times in your content.

Make your headline catchy or informative.  An example "Use Article marketing to help increase your traffic"  or "Article Marketing Secrets Revealed"

Add a signature at the end of your article, using either your name or an alias (pen name) if your prefer.

Dave utilizes this profitable email marketing service to make consistent income per month. Learn more at  ListBonus.

List of the top article directories:

searchwarp selfgrowth squidoo

There are a lot of article directories out there so you'll want to experiment with some of them and see where you get the best results. 

If writing articles doesn't come easy for you, you can find cheap writers (roughly 5 dollars an article) at sites like or Outsourcing your article writing is often a great thing to do because it frees up a lot of time and allows you to produce a lot of great content that will give you profits for the months to come on auto-pilot.

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